There are thousands of articles and podcasts and videos about New Year's resolutions.  You can find countless lists like "Top 4 (or 5, or 15, or 30) Reasons Resolutions Don't Work".  You'll find even more lists of how to keep them!  Well, in this episode,...

 I learned a lot in 2020 and this weekly podcast was both my teacher and my notebook. In this episode I'll recap what I have learned from 2020 and a year of weekly podcasting: the good, the bad and the ugly...

This holiday season is an extra special one.  There are likely more empty chairs than usual.  There is likely less togetherness.  Well, I’d like to be here for you even though you’re far away and I want to remind you (ehhhem, myself) that many of...

When I asked RAab Stevenson (vocal coach extraordinaire) “what makes a GREAT singer?”, his answer was not what I was expecting… Listen in as we talk greatness, training, lifestyle, myths about the voice, and warnings about the recording industry. Show Notes: Quick Links: Liv's Music Video, "OVER"...

 The subject of today's episode is GRATITUDE and INDULGING.  Specifically, indulging in celebrations that DON’T clumsily step on other cultures OR leave you and the top button of your pants completely undone. This episode is absolutely NOT holiday-exclusive or Thanksgiving specific. But if you allow...

What happens when the commercial industry doesn’t make you happy anymore… Reinvention, that’s what!  My guest this week is a pro at exactly that.   Diana Matos bridges the space between street and commercial dance.  She dives into the importance of using her creative voice,...